Symbolic Composer For Mac
Hey everyone been troubleshooting and have not found a solution and need help since this is just really annyoing. I jump around between about 7 edit stations during my shift and of course to make things easier I made my user settings on one bay and exported them using the Personal (auto-save and auto-load) option to the iSIS and imported them into all the bays. It doesn't seem to do what I need it to. Everytime I update my settings in one station none of the others seem to get the changes and its very frustrating to have to keep recreating new keyboard shortcuts and other settings. Any help on what I could have possibly done wrong? Or any troubleshooting tips? I don't think it's my settings since I'm not the only one having this issue where I am.
Sorry forgot to add that the version on the ISIS is up to date the issue is that after I make the change to my settings on EDIT1, EDITS2-7 don't update to see it unless I re-import them. Josh: The problem is that any changes you make to your user profile on one platform are only stored on that platform as part of the current User OS profile that is loaded. What I have done is, in our workspace reserved for project files only-no media, I have a folder 'User profiles'. If I make any changes to my user profile on any given platform, at the end of the session, I will replace the existing.avs user file with the updated on into my profile folder on Unity. Then, the changes will appear there and I can copy them into my profile anywhere else using the 'Open Setting File' functionality of Composer. I had this problem with a facility of 10 editors, 10 workstations, and everyone moves around. I fixed it, here's how: Each person has an OS user account and an Avid user setting.
All settings files are stored centrally on a server which mounts every time any user logs in to any workstation. Only one settings file exists per user (on the server). I make sure that each workstation has a symbolic link installed, so when Symphony goes calling for Mac HD/Users/Shared/AvidSymphony/Avid Users/joe, it finds server/settings/joe instead. Each user can log in to any workstation and know his/her Avid settings will be recalled. The only real caveat in this situation is if one editor logs in on multiple workstations and changes any settings that would be saved to a user setting file. But in the year and a half I've had this setup running, never had one complaint of something going buggy.
Symbolic Composer For Mac Os
Thanks for your kind response. I'm absolutely certain it works - I just need to know how within Avid to relocate the settings folder so that it references on launch to the shared storage. That didnt seem clear in your post and I'm not sure what a ' symbolic link' is. Or do you just direct Avid to it manually when changing user settings? Perhaps I'm being silly here. But I want to make sure when new editors create new avid settings, that it automatically gets put in a shared location. Apologies if I haven't understood your post properly. OK this is the basic procedure: - Launch MC - open a project - it will create your user setting - Close MC - go to /Users/Shared/AvidMediaComposer/Avid Users and find the folder of your user - this contains your User Settings file - move this folder to a centralized location on a server that can be reached from any workstation - create a Symbolic Link of this folder (a Symbolic Link is similar to an Alias on Mac except it's transportable and more robust.
It's a Unix item. There is a freeware utility called Symbolic Linker which is super easy to use.) - move the symbolic link into the /Users/Shared/AvidMediaComposer/Avid Users folder, replacing the previously created user settings folder - then all you have to do to make this work is make sure the shared server is mounted before you launch MC. If you launch MC without mounting your share, it will just give an error saying it cannot find the user setting folder, and will not let you continue until the server is mounted. (none of this will happen automatically. You have to do this one time for each user. If a new editor wants settings stored centrally, you have to do this procedure for them.
If an existing editor subsequently wants to create multiple user settings under his login, those settings will be created inside his folder on the shared server.).